Love to Sing?
Want to raise your voice in choral harmony? Ready to join a passionate group of individuals who want to entertain and advocate for diversity? Then you’re in the right place.
To audition please email audition@rcmc.org. A chorus representative will connect with you to set up an audition day and time. In the meantime, you can read the following FAQs for any audition questions you might have.
Audition FAQs
What is the audition process?
Do I have to have a strong musical background to sing with RCMC?
Although basic singing ability is required, you don’t need to have a long, impressive singing resume. The chorus is made up of people with diverse musical backgrounds, ranging from chorus first-timers to those who hold advanced music degrees. The most important thing to have is a love of singing.
How often does RCMC rehearse?
How often does RCMC perform?
The chorus has two main concerts each season: a holiday concert in December and a Summer concert in June. In addition to our main concerts, the chorus usually does 2-4 smaller community engagement performances during each session.
How much does it cost to join the chorus?
- Annual Dues $25 (for the entire season, Aug through Jun)
- Winter Session (Aug-Dec) Fee $100
- Summer Session (January-June) Fee $100
- Performance Wardrobe $65-$75 (one-time payment; alterations are at singer’s expense)
The session fees and cost for performance wardrobe are waived for youth 23 and under; however, the annual dues of $25 are still required.
Is financial assistance available?
Yes! The Ryan-Knicely Scholarship Fund, established in memory of beloved former chorus member Peggy Ryan and her partner Nan Knicely, is available to anyone who qualifies. Its intent is to remove cost barriers for those who wish to sing with us. The scholarship can be used to cover the costs of session fees and performance wardrobe; however, the annual dues of $25 and any cost for alterations are still the responsibility of the singer. Members can request financial assistance by filling out the assistance request form at the beginning of the session. The form is then sent to our board of directors for review and approval.

If singing is not your thing but you would still like to be a part of the RCMC family, you can join our group, Fifth Voice, which is composed of non-singing RCMC members who volunteer at our concerts and events.
You’ll find Fifth Voice members busy ushering audience members, managing our raffle and silent auction tables, organizing reception spaces, and stepping forward to do other vital activities that ensure the best possible experience at all of our shows.
If you would like to join Fifth Voice, email us at volunteer@rcmc.org.